Cyathea tomentosissima

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Highland Lace Fern (<i>Cyathea tomentosissima</i>), a small tree fern from the highland of New Guinea. It surprisingly hardy and is also sun and wind tolerant. Its fronds are rather bracken-like and with age it will develop a trunk up to 15m tall. Both the undersides of the fronds and the young stems are covered in brown hairs. Order: Cyatheales, Family: Cyatheaceae

Highland Lace Fern (Cyathea tomentosissima), a small tree fern from the highland of New Guinea. It surprisingly hardy and is also sun and wind tolerant. Its fronds are rather bracken-like and with age it will develop a trunk up to 15m tall. Both the undersides of the fronds and the young stems are covered in brown hairs. Order: Cyatheales, Family: Cyatheaceae


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