Anemone scabiosa Prinz Heinrich

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Anemone scabiosa (syns. Anemone hupehensis var. japonica, Anemone x hybrida, Anemone japonica</i>) 'Prinz Heinrich' (syn 'Prince Henry'), a deep pink, loosely semi-double-flowered form of the Japanese Anemone, an erect autumn-flowering perennial of garden origin, developed from species native to Japan and China 'Prinz Heinrich' was introduced in 1902 and has around 13 fairly narrow petals.

Anemone scabiosa (syns. Anemone hupehensis var. japonica, Anemone x hybrida, Anemone japonica) 'Prinz Heinrich' (syn 'Prince Henry'), a deep pink, loosely semi-double-flowered form of the Japanese Anemone, an erect autumn-flowering perennial of garden origin, developed from species native to Japan and China 'Prinz Heinrich' was introduced in 1902 and has around 13 fairly narrow petals.


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