Cyperus ustulatus

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Coastal Cutty. Grass or Giant Umbrella. Sedge (<i>Cyperus ustulatus</i>), a large perennial sedge found in the North Island and northern South island of New Zealand, principally near the coast and often in boggy areas, though it also occurs on sand dunes. Typically around 75cm high, it can reach 2m tall cyperus-2847htm'>Cyperus. Order: Poales, Family: Cyperaceae

Coastal Cutty. Grass or Giant Umbrella. Sedge (Cyperus ustulatus), a large perennial sedge found in the North Island and northern South island of New Zealand, principally near the coast and often in boggy areas, though it also occurs on sand dunes. Typically around 75cm high, it can reach 2m tall cyperus-2847htm'>Cyperus. Order: Poales, Family: Cyperaceae


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