Anthoxanthum odoratum

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Sweet Vernal, Holy. Grass, Buffalo. Grass or Vanilla. Grass (<i>Anthoxanthum odoratum</i>) in flower in spring. This short-lived, perennial, Eurasian grass is now well-established in many temperate areas. Its flower stems are up to 50cm and have usually dried of by early summer, when they turn a golden colour. It is cultivated as a lawn grass and emits a vanilla scent when cut. anthoxanthum-3625htm'>Anthoxanthum. .

Sweet Vernal, Holy. Grass, Buffalo. Grass or Vanilla. Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) in flower in spring. This short-lived, perennial, Eurasian grass is now well-established in many temperate areas. Its flower stems are up to 50cm and have usually dried of by early summer, when they turn a golden colour. It is cultivated as a lawn grass and emits a vanilla scent when cut. anthoxanthum-3625htm'>Anthoxanthum. .


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